Using the Bridgemate Phone App

Why use the Bridgemate App?

It's long been a debate whether to show hand results on the Bridgemates during the session. Some people want to see them, some don't.

By installing and using the Bridgemate App on your phone, you can see your hand results at the end of each round (not during) if you want to.

Here's what to do

The app has a six-month free usage period, and a very reasonable annual subscription price (US$3.99).

To install the app, visit your phone's app store, and search for "bridgemate app."

Here are links to the Bridgemate site with information for players and a full manual.

Bridgemate App Information for Players

Manual for Players

Once you have created your account in the Bridgemate App, you will "Add Club Membership" to add the Pasadena Bridge Club.

Choose your location as USA, then California, and you'll see the Pasadena Bridge Club in the drop down list. (You'll have to scroll down.)

Player memberships will be validated by the club, and you'll be all set to view your results during the game.