649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 pasadenabridgeclub.com
The Western Conference Sectional Tournament at Clubs is over. Several of our players managed to place in the tournament overalls in their particular game.
Here's where you can find the overall results for each game.
Thursday Open Game Postponed
Unfortunately we've had to postpone the start of our Thursday 11:00 Open Pairs game.
The original start date was September 7, and the new start date will be October 5. I know a lot of players are looking forward to the game, as am I. We'll get it started soon!
We want to add more weekly games, of course. To do that, we need players who are trained and interested in becoming a director. Is that you? Let's talk! There is no masterpoint requirement to be a club director, but there is a test!
Last NAP Qualifier
Our Wednesday 11:00 AM Open Pairs this week will be the final qualifier game for the North American Pairs at our club.
Find all the NAP information here: https://nap.bridgemojo.com/
Classes this week
Anyone is welcome to drop in for a single session of any course for $25. Let me know you're coming! Here are the topics at this week's classes:
- Wednesday 7:00 PM Defense "Developing Defensive Tricks"
- Thursday 7:00 PM Bridge Basics 1 "Introduction"
The Saturday workshop and game is back this week! I'm starting a series on play of the hand, with "taking tricks at notrump." We'll have a 40 minute workshop followed by a 12-board game.
On our YouTube channel this week, Double finesses and a fun question from the visitors.
Glendale Sectional
September 9-10, at the Pasadena Bridge Club. This will be our first experience with using the Community Room down the hall for ten or so extra tables.
Space is still limited of course, and reservations are required. Here's an information page with a flier and the link to register for one or more games. (Please don't send reservations to me!)
Teacher training coming up
Become an accredited Better Bridge teacher! We're hosting a two-day seminar by Denise Hoffman on Thursday-Friday December 21-22.
By completing the seminar you'll be recognized as an accredited teacher by the ACBL, and eligible to be listed in the teacher directory. It's a great credential to present to organizations like college extension programs.
Possible Healthcare Benefit
If you're enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, your plan may have a benefit of interest to you. The ACBL has paired with Element3 to reimburse your annual ACBL membership dues to their customers who play bridge regularly.
To find out if you might be eligible, here's a link: https://element3healthgroups.com/acbl
Best regards,
Mojo, Jane, Zachary