649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 pasadenabridgeclub.com
"We need to give people more opportunities to just play bridge," my partner Zachary said to me the other day.
"Nothing takes the place of playing cards as much as you can."
And then he made a remarkable offer. "Let's open the bridge club on Monday and Tuesday afternoons, 3:00-5:00 PM, for anyone and everyone to come in and play bridge. Nothing formal, just spend some time with the game. I'll be here."
He didn't need to offer twice!
No card fee for now, just come and play bridge. The more who come the better, of course. We always want to have a full table if we can!
Jane suggested that it would be a great time to meet potential partners, or to bring a regular partner to try things and work out agreements.
Let me know if you'd like to come, or if you'd just like to get reminders of our bridge "office hours."
Great courses starting next
Bridge Basics 2 - Competitive Bidding
This is the second course in the Bridge Basics series. We discuss how the auction changes when both sides get into the bidding.
If you're already playing regularly, this course will definitely level up your game!
Intro to Declarer Play
For "play of the hand" class, I'm switching to a favorite book, Introduction to Declarer Play by Edwin Kantar, 2nd Edition, edited by Barbara Seagram.
The book is a classic, fully updated, and fantastically easy to read. Like the book, the first three classes will be notrump play, and the second three suit contract play. I'm looking forward to a great fun course!
Two Over One Game Force
Two Over One Game Force (2/1GF) is the modern bidding system based on Standard American 5-card Majors with a slight tweak.
The adjustment makes it easier to find slams, or a better game contract, by giving the partnership more room on the bidding ladder.
While 2/1GF is only slightly different from Standard American, it does come with its own idioms to become familiar with.
Along with bidding, the course has dynamite hands to play and defend. Highly recommended for club and tournament players!
Next Bridge Introduction
The next series of Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction will be on Wednesday evenings, starting January 10. Look for it in the PCC Extension catalog landing in your mailbox sometime in early December.
Best regards,