Monday, Feb 10

11:00 AM Open Pairs (24 boards)

Tuesday, Feb 11

11:00 AM Open Pairs (24 boards)

7:00 PM Novice Pairs (14-15 boards)

Wednesday, Feb 12

11:00 AM Open Pairs (24 boards)

7:00 PM Bridge Basics 2 - Competitive Bidding class 5 of 6 "Practice Hands"

Thursday, Feb 13

11:00 AM Open Pairs (24 boards)

7:00 PM Bridge Basics 4 - Play of the Deal class 5 of 6 "Practice Hands"

Friday, Feb 14

11:00 AM Open Pairs (24 boards)

Saturday, Feb 15

9:30 AM 299er Novice/Intermediate Workshop followed by 14-15 board bridge game

1:00 PM Open Pairs (24 boards)

Sunday, Feb 16

12:30 PM Pasadena Unit Game (Pizza served at 12:00) reservations required

Bridge Club ready for players
The Pasadena Bridge Club ready to play.

Our motto

Play with joy, humility, and good humor!

We aspire to be the friendliest place to play and learn bridge on the planet. Bridge bullies are not welcome. See more about the Zero Tolerance Policy here.

Newcomers to Bridge

There's always a new series of Bridge — Introduction starting within a few weeks. Our schedule is designed to allow working people and students to learn and enjoy bridge.

Dip a toe into bridge any Monday through Thursday afternoon for Office Hours, 3-5 PM. The club will be open for casual bridge play.

Intermediate Players

Browse our schedule of classes designed to improve and stretch your bridge skills.

Weekly games limited to novice and intermediate players are held Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. and Saturday afternoons at 1:00 p.m.

Established Bridge Players

Enjoy our full duplicate games Monday through Friday at 11:00 a.m. and Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. Play 24 boards, finish before the heaviest traffic on I-210.

Wear Your Favorite Bridge Club

Visit our new Lands' End catalog for a huge selection of clothes and accessories, and add the classy Pasadena Bridge Club logo to your wardrobe.

Sign up for the Weekly Email Newsletter

You can join the mailing list yourself (be sure to respond to the confirmation email) or just drop us a note.

News, Articles, and Updates

Most recent first

More details

The beverage and snack station is ready! We have a great selection of brewed teas plus regular and decaf coffee of course.

Special treat: an ice machine, and an iced tea station! We'll have traditional black tea iced, and a raspberry tea. We'll stock the beverage fridge with Coke, Coke Zero, and Sprite. The snack dispensers will have Goldfish, Peanut M&Ms, peanuts, and mixed nuts.

WiFi is up and running. Ask me for the password. :)

Finishing touches

This week Zach and I will be putting some finishing touches on the new bridge club.

Zach is going to be hanging some art. I'm going to be working on the digital signage for information and results.

The beverage station is almost complete, with fresh coffee, iced tea, and a beverage cooler on hand. Snack dispensers have arrived.

Saturday Dec 17 Work Party

We had a great turnout for the work party. Many thanks to Barbara Leider, Yvonne Schimmel, Liza Billington, Cory Brendel, Lisa Walker, Cardon Walker, Susan Kane, and Jon Fuhrman!

All of the chairs are built. All but eight of the end tables are built (32 of 40). I built shelving for the kitchen, and Cory and Cardon helped me mount the 50-inch monitor for results and game information.

I loaded up the minivan twice to haul cardboard, plastic, and styrofoam to the center's recycling bins.

Thursday Dec. 15 pics

Today AT&T was in the bridge club installing fiber internet, and I had an electrical contractor walk through to pull in the ethernet cabling.

Zach and I built several chairs and the director's desk and file cabinet are all set to go.

Table One is literally ready to play bridge. :)

Update Wednesday Dec. 14

Today I took delivery of some long tables and a director's desk. They're all still boxed up. I put out a few tables, and I'm washing the table felts two at a time at home.

Saturday we'll have a work party to put together chairs and end tables, and maybe put up some shelving. I set up one chair, and without a power screwdriver, it's pretty painful! Six screws for each chair back.

AT&T discovered that they have a fiber pole near the suite. Tomorrow they're going to put that in, and I have an electrical contractor walking through to set up the ethernet wiring.


Arrived this afternoon! They were loaded on two pallets and wrapped in shrink wrap. Of course the pallets wouldn't fit into the elevator, so the delivery guy was good enough to help me break them down and get them up to the bridge club.

Then the security guy helped me get the pallet trash hauled off. :)